Education is a priority direction of the state policy in Uzbekistan

In Uzbekistan, a person, his life, freedom, honor, dignity and other inviolable rights are considered the highest value. Therefore, the draft Constitutional law “On the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan” strictly stipulates that human dignity, fundamental rights and freedoms are inviolable.

Education is one of the fundamental human rights. In Uzbekistan, attention and care for young people, the issue of their education and upbringing, mastering professions, education in the spirit of respect for our national traditions and values have become a priority direction of state policy. This is confirmed by the fact that 2023 has been declared as the Year of Human Care and Quality Education in Uzbekistan.

Article 51 of the draft Constitutional law “On the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan” clearly defines that citizens have the right to receive higher education in State educational organizations on a competitive basis at the expense of the State. Higher education institutions have the right to academic freedom, self-government, freedom of research and teaching in accordance with the law. That is, everyone has the right to receive free higher education in a state educational institution based on competition. The State guarantees talented young people to continue their education regardless of their financial situation. The state creates equal conditions for the development of public, private, as well as educational institutions and organizations of other forms. Wide opportunities are created for a person who wants to learn and gain knowledge. To use them effectively is in our hands.

As stipulated in article 52 of the draft Constitution, in Uzbekistan, the work of a teacher is recognized as the basis for the development of society and the state, the formation and upbringing of a healthy, harmoniously developed generation, the preservation and enhancement of the spiritual and cultural potential of the people. The State takes care of protecting the honor and dignity of teachers, their social and material well-being, and their professional growth.

The prohibition of forced labor and the involvement of teachers in various public works, the elimination of paperwork in educational institutions are giving positive results. Another important step in this direction was the creation of a system of material incentives for highly qualified teachers who are attracted to work in schools in remote areas. Let there be even more qualified teachers and educators who keep up with the times. After all, only with the help of professional teachers, we will be able to develop education and build a great state.

As President Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted, a graduate of the New Uzbekistan School should become a person with a broad outlook, creative thinking, capable of making independent decisions, who has mastered modern skills and information technologies. To achieve this noble goal, the work begun on a radical revision of the school curriculum, teaching methods and the content of textbooks will be brought to its logical end.

Today, the issue of providing high-quality human rights education is becoming more and more relevant in all countries. It is noteworthy that human rights education is recognized as the most effective strategy for the development of a culture of human rights in society.

Thanks to the changes made to the renewed Constitution, talented young people can choose the desired type of education, work in the field of their interest. In addition, citizens are given the opportunity to actively participate in all stages of state and public administration, to have their voice in the implementation of each important document. In general, the adoption of the Constitution, updated in accordance with the changes and transformations taking place in New Uzbekistan, is the guarantor of our future.

Dilnoza Rakhimova,

Editorial Board Specialist at “Democratization and Human Rights” journal


  • Added: 28.04.2023
  • Views: 3276
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