New Constitution - beginning of new era for Human Rights Education

Modern Uzbekistan sees human rights and human rights education to be as pivotal matter as it had been seen by the global community in 1948 when United Nations was established, and Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted. Since then, international development in the field of human rights has come a long way but work to be done is still aplenty. Yet, Uzbekistan can be said to be on the forefront of pushing human rights agenda forward.

The National Programme for Human Rights Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan was approved by the President of Uzbekistan on 7 February 2023. The Programme aims to promote human rights education and awareness among the public, especially young people, and to create a human rights culture in Uzbekistan. It includes a wide range of activities, such as incorporating human rights education into the school curriculum, organizing training sessions for educators, and conducting public awareness campaigns.

The approval of the National Programme for Human Rights Education is an important step towards developing human rights education in Uzbekistan. The Programme seeks to promote a culture of human rights in the country by educating people about their rights and freedoms, and the responsibilities that come with them.

One of the key objectives of the Programme is to integrate human rights education into the national curriculum, which will help ensure that all students receive a basic understanding of human rights and the principles of equality, non-discrimination, and social justice. This is particularly important for a country like Uzbekistan, which is undergoing significant political and social reforms, as it will help to foster a more tolerant and inclusive society.

The Programme also aims to provide training and support for teachers, educators, and other professionals who are responsible for implementing the Programme, which will help to ensure that the curriculum is delivered effectively and efficiently.

In addition to these educational initiatives, the Programme also includes public awareness campaigns and outreach activities to engage with communities and raise awareness about human rights issues. This will help to create a broader understanding and support for human rights among the general public, which is essential for the success of any human rights program.

In addition, the Resolution aims to retrain government workers and law enforcement workers in the field of human rights.

Retraining government workers and law enforcement workers in the field of human rights is an important part of the National Programme for Human Rights Education in Uzbekistan. It is crucial that those who are responsible for upholding the law and protecting the rights of citizens have a solid understanding of human rights principles and how to apply them in their work.

The benefits of retraining government workers and law enforcement workers in the field of human rights will improve the understanding of human rights principles and standards among government workers and law enforcement workers, leading to a more effective and fair administration of justice. Workers who are trained in human rights principles will be better equipped to ensure greater accountability and transparency in their work, helping to build public trust and confidence in government institutions. Retraining will help to ensure that government workers and law enforcement workers have the skills and knowledge necessary to protect citizens' rights and respond appropriately to human rights violations.

Also, one of the missions of the Programme is to create international cooperation in human rights education. Creating international cooperation in human rights education is a key objective of the Programme in Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan can benefit from this cooperation in a number of ways, including exchanging best practices, accessing resources and expertise, and strengthening its international reputation and relationships.

To benefit from international cooperation in human rights education, Uzbekistan can engage in a range of activities, including participating in international conferences and seminars. Uzbekistan can participate in international conferences and seminars on human rights education, which can provide opportunities to exchange ideas, network, and learn about best practices. Uzbekistan can collaborate with international organizations, such as the UN, the Council of Europe, and the EU, to develop human rights education programs and access funding and resources. Uzbekistan can engage with NGOs that focus on human rights education and awareness, which can provide expertise, resources, and support for the development and implementation of human rights education programs.

The Resolution on the National Programme for Human Rights Education in Uzbekistan is designed to promote human rights education and awareness throughout the country, with a focus on developing the knowledge and skills of government workers, law enforcement workers, and the general public. This Programme represents a significant step towards building a more just, fair, and rights-respecting society in Uzbekistan, and has the potential to make a real difference in the lives of citizens throughout the country.

The adoption of the National Programme for Human Rights Education in Uzbekistan will have a positive impact on the country's image on the international arena. By demonstrating a commitment to promoting human rights education and awareness, Uzbekistan has positioned itself as a leader in this area and distinguish itself from other countries in the region.

The Programme's focus on developing the knowledge and skills of government workers, law enforcement workers, and the general public can also help to improve the country's reputation in terms of human rights practices. This is particularly important for attracting foreign investment, promoting tourism, and building positive relationships with other countries and international organizations.

Work in the education of Uzbek nation in the field of human rights is expected to be elevated with the adoption of new expanded Constitution in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Provisions of the Constitution for education and human rights set out clear fundamentals to develop the field. It is expected that the adoption of a New Constitution will lead to increased funding and focus for human rights education initiatives, as governments and other stakeholders recognize the importance of promoting awareness and understanding of human rights. This funding will be used to develop and implement educational programs, as well as to support research and advocacy on human rights issues.


Robiya Arslonova,

Leading Specialist,

National Centre of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights 


  • Added: 28.04.2023
  • Views: 2933
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