Shura Council Speaker Meets First Deputy Speaker of Legislative Chamber of Parliament of Uzbekistan

 HE Speaker of the Shura Council Hassan bin Abdullah Al Ghanim met Wednesday with HE Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Parliament and Director of the National Human Rights Centre of the Republic of Uzbekistan Akmal Saidov, who is visiting the country to attend the International Conference on Food Justice from a Human Rights Perspective, currently taking place in Doha.

During the meeting, they discussed the existing parliamentary cooperation between Qatar and Uzbekistan, and ways to enhance and develop it.

The meeting also addressed several issues related to international efforts to promote human rights and the role of parliamentarians in this regard.

The First Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Parliament of Uzbekistan praised Qatar's important and tangible role in this regard, as well as its efforts to promote and preserve human rights.

  • Added: 07.02.2024
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